Company Incorporation & Administration
P.K.P. Group of Companies can facilitate entities in a variety of jurisdictions for various different purposes including personal and family wealth management and tax planning. It provides a number of management and administration services from its offices to ensure that the company is fully compliant and that the company records stay up to date.
P.K.P. Group of Companies also offers business support services including telephone redirection, fax and mail forwarding. Whichever service you require the Group will provide a dependable, accurate and reliable service.

What Do Employee Engagement Surveys Tell You About Employee?
What Do Employee Engagement Surveys Tell You About Employee?
What Do Employee Engagement Surveys Tell You About Employee?
Company Incorporation & Administration Services Are Connected With:
Serving as a registered agent, director or similar officer of a specified entity.
Accounting services.
Full administration services.
Full company secretarial services including the maintenance and provision of full statutory records and execution of statutory obligations.
Company incorporation; reservation of formed companies maintained for convenience, if required.
Provision of a registered office, place of business or address for a specified entity.
Serving as a nominee shareholder in a specified entity.
Get In Touch
Contact us for any further information concerning our dependable and accurate Company Incorporation & Administration services.